Every business has a group of people they cater to best. In personal injury law, attorneys cater to the injured. Figuring out who your business provides for is simple but becomes more complex when thinking about your audience in terms of Facebook advertising. With a few simple strategies, you can learn how to advertise to a relevant, niche audience through Facebook.
In this blog, you will learn:
- How to look beyond basic demographics to find your target audience.
- The importance of thinking creatively to find common bonds between your clients.
- Utilization of common locations to run ad campaigns.
- How to create a target audience through Facebook business manager.
Target Audience
All businesses have a target audience. They know about what age they will be, where they live, the kind of job they will work, and the general things that will pique their interest. These businesses also know how their services benefit their target audience.
Think about the last 30 clients you had:
- Who were they?
- What were they like?
- Most importantly, what did they have in common?

In personal injury law, you may think “Well, gee, that doesn’t apply to me. My clients have different backgrounds and needs. They really don’t have any common denominators.”
On one hand, you’re right. Circumstances don’t pick and choose who they affect. There is no way to predict the kind of people who are going to be hurt. We cannot know their age, their occupation, their habits, or the kind of people and places they associate themselves with until after we meet them. However, you still have a target audience, and they have a lot more in common with one another than you’re realizing.
As a personal injury attorney, there is one bold-faced common factor you’re looking over: the injury.
All of your potential clients have been or will be injured at some point.
Injury is your audience’s common ground. Now, consider what that means for their life following the injury.
Think about Life Following After One Is Injured:
- Where would someone go immediately after being injured?
- Where would someone still frequent a month after an injury?
- What kind of places would an injured person visit on a regular basis?
The answer:
Hospitals. Physical therapy. Chiropractors. Pharmacies. All of these are places someone with an injury would visit regularly.
When advertising on Facebook, it’s a great idea to cater to a target audience. It is obvious users can’t tell Facebook “Okay, advertise to all of the people who have been hurt recently!” and call it a day. That is why thinking beyond the demographic is important. Taking note of the patterns of the people we cater to is crucial to our advertisement efforts.
In this particular case, we can use the fact that most of our potential clients will have visited a hospital within the past thirty days to target our advertisement.
How to Utilize Your Client Base’s Recent Locations to Create a Facebook Target Audience
Step 1: Find the addresses of the local hospitals. You can do this through a quick Google search, keeping the location of your firm in mind.
Step 2: Open your Facebook business manager, and create a new saved audience with a name that is as descriptive as it is easy to understand.
Step 3: Choose “people who recently were in this location.”
Step 4: Change your radius to one mile.
Step 5: Add the locations of the hospitals you searched for in Step 1.
Now, you can use the audience you created to run new ads or boost old posts.
Set a budget, even as small as a few dollars, and see how it goes. Feel free to play with the parameters.
To take things a step further, you can consider the other places people with injuries have in common: the physical therapists, the chiropractors, etc., and use the addresses of those businesses just like you would the hospital.
At the end of the day, we strive to put the right ad in front of the right person. However, even the worst ad in front of the right person can get a result.
These have been a few tips for your Attorney SEO. Please feel free to call me at (206) 880-0913 or send an email if you have any questions at Stoddard Agency.
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