If you are one of the many executed but frustrated entrepreneurs out there today, I can relate. I have been in your current spot before, struggling to get a new local or small business off the ground. The solution was the right kind of branding, marketing, and advertising, and it made all the difference. My team and I will help you find and use the right digital marketing strategies to get your new business jump-started and off to a solid start.
You find yourself going to and from work every day, working hard for your new business, and putting most of your time and money into the startup. But despite your efforts, you do not see the results. The sad thing is, you don’t know how to use digital marketing well enough. Here are the biggest mistakes new business owners make in digital marketing:

Mistake #1: Thinking that Digital Marketing is a “get-rich-quick” scheme
Digital marketing can be a powerful tool for small businesses, but don’t think digital marketing alone, without the proper systems to maximize results, is a shortcut to riches. That’s the mistake new businesses make when considering hiring us to help them with their digital marketing needs. They say, “We’re willing to spend $100 on Adwords, SEO, and other online marketing options if it brings us 40 to 50 leads in a week.” That won’t work. Creating a successful digital marketing lead generation process takes time, intelligence, focus, persistence, and patience.

Mistake#2: Lack of investment in their website
Your website is the most crucial tool in your marketing arsenal—it’s where you make a lot of your sales, customer service, brand building, and even fundraising. So when you’re starting up a new business, it’s easy to focus on the other tools first—marketing campaigns, social media, and SEO. But if you don’t have a great overall website, you might as well not start at all.

Mistake #3: Assuming your digital strategy is a passive activity.
You can do many things wrong when it comes to digital marketing, but one of the most common mistakes is assuming that once you have a plan in place, you’re set. That’s just not the case, though.
An excellent digital marketing strategy is not one size fits all, and it’s an ongoing process that requires constant attention if it’s going to work as well as it can. Digital marketing is dynamic and ever-changing, with new channels and approaches popping up constantly. That means you have to be willing to change your strategy accordingly, whether adjusting your budget or switching up your focus.
It’s easy to let your digital strategy fall by the wayside when it becomes less exciting than other aspects of running a business. But if you don’t keep an eye on your plan and make adjustments where needed, you could miss out on crucial opportunities or waste money on approaches that aren’t worthwhile.
Digital marketing is an incredibly effective way to reach new customers and grow your business, but making it a priority is not enough. Digital marketing should always be a consideration for entrepreneurs, especially new ones. There are always new things to learn and improvements you can always make to your marketing plan. Still, they all start with a commitment to digital marketing—specifically an optimized website. If digital marketing seems overwhelming, remember that you have the experts at Stoddard Agency at your service. We have a New Business Special package to handle all your digital marketing needs to focus on growing your business.