The Functional Systems Map

Scaling a Home Services Business Into a Multi-State Powerhouse | Part 4: Documenting My Fractional CMO Journey


The Functional Marketing® Systems Map


By Jesse Stoddard


Hey there, Jesse Stoddard here with another training on scaling a home services business into a multi-state powerhouse. So this one now is documenting my fractional CMO journey part for the functional marketing systems map, which is really an exciting one, because this is where we get to start to see the magic happen. Now, why listen to me about this particular topic I use what I’m about to show you to help a home services business owner make an extra $4 million in a year, and I’m currently using it with clients right now to transform their business.

Having a picture of your business helps you identify trouble spots to fix successful areas to double down on and helps you visualize growth. And this will ultimately help you save money and make better decisions. This will help you to take command of your advertising budget, your agency, or agencies that work for you, your vendors, the sales people for media companies, advertisers your internal team and improve your processes. This will help you make more informed decisions when it comes to marketing and marketing people, salespeople, or agencies, and the next time some salesperson or employee offers to do something different for your marketing or sales process.

You have a standard by which to judge the idea, and you can make them prove that it makes sense in the big picture and then figure out how it fits in. So it really keeps you on track and also, keep your team on track. So a little warning, this is detail-oriented thinking required, right? You might want to use software like Lucidart, which is what I really love, but you can do it on a piece of paper if you want. So there really is no excuse. You could do it in word or something. You just need to draw something up visually.

You’ll have to identify every step of the process from start to finish. You’ll begin with the end in mind, and you can reverse engineer or build it backward from the sale back to the prospecting. If that works better for you, you can do it forward or back backward forward doesn’t matter. And you’ll see what I mean after you look at a picture of it.

The beginning is the first step in prospecting and the end goes beyond just getting a customer into the realm of upsells retention referrals, and more, if you choose to use, you can get really detailed or you can start broad, so you can keep it high level to start and then come back and fill in more nuanced steps later. That’s fine. I would recommend doing that rather than putting it off forever, which tends to happen. Right? We’re all procrastinators.

So first of all, let’s talk about the Functional Marketing Systems Map®. There’s a little registered trademark on the functional marketing component of this because I need to give credit where credit’s due. What’s the difference between a systems map and a functional marketing systems map? Well, the functional marketing systems map is part of the CMOx processes. CMOx is an organization that I’m a part of with a whole bunch of really smart CMOs, probably much smarter than me. I gleaned from them and Casey Stanton with his program over there is pretty fantastic. He came up with that.

So give credit where credit’s due. I’m not going to go into all of what goes into that, but you just understand where this is coming from.

The fancy term is because we integrate this into other systems and other systems feed into the creation of this map. It’s part of a functional marketing system that includes all of the other documents and processes that I’ve been teaching, you know, in other videos and more, but don’t sweat it because you don’t need to be so fancy. Why don’t you just make a regular old system and have it without the functional marketing registered trademark part? So it’s really just the systems map that we’re focusing on today. So let’s go, 

So the systems map overview here’s an example, one that I created for a client, and I kind of whited out a few, you know, things, cause I don’t know if they would want me to share this, and yours is going to look totally different or the same or similar. The idea is not that you needed to look like this. The idea is that we need to map something out.

Functional Systems Map

There are a lot of different kinds of maps and I can give you examples as well outside of this if you want to see them, but I’m sure you’ve seen flow charts before, right? It’s any flow chart. Now, in this one I’m going to just go over some, the high level really quick, and then we’ll dive into details on the left.

You’ll see media sources. Those are the traffic sources. That’s the way I like to do it. You could even get detailed and create a whole flow chart around just those. But what I’m really trying to say is where traffic comes from is a big category of different things and it’s media, right? That’s where traffic comes from. And then it goes into the funnel in different parts. And then once it’s in the funnel, it goes through processes and ends up becoming a customer and you make money.

You decide what you’re going to do with them after that. And there may be different parts of your funnel and you know, different sections for this example, there’s the main website and ads and they usually result in phone calls or form fills going into a call center, et cetera, et cetera. So we’ll get into each part as we go through. 

So let’s break it down beginning with the media. So I want to talk about there’s a philosophy that’s involved in this as well, not just the specific type of media, but when we look at what’s really effective, especially with a service business, we need multimedia multichannel, multi-step marketing campaigns, and it requires diversified media.

The worst number in business is one relying on one source, like Google ads. And that’s all you do. The minute Google slaps you, which they’ve done many times before you have no more business, or the algorithm changes and your competitor takes over for some reason, or the costs are driven up like right now, costs are going up across the board for pay-per-click and every industry will, what do you do if you can’t afford that? Because you don’t have a big enough backend, you don’t make a big enough scale. You don’t do enough upsells so that you can, you can justify the costs.

Now all of a sudden your competitors eating your lunch or whatever. So it’s better, in general, to look at all these traffic sources and figure out a way to make them work. Now that’s going beyond the scope of this video, but the idea is you want to put everything on there that you’re currently doing and, or maybe even then a section for ideas of what you could be doing, right? You’re really thinking through what works for this particular funnel. Now you’ll notice some of the things on this list will not be the same on a different systems map, okay.

Or for a different target market or for a different business. These are the ones that will probably work for this specific funnel and you really need to rack your brain and think through them on this list, we have organic SEO, which includes Google and being in the GMB focus.

I mean, there’s more to SEO than that, but those are ideas that we were thinking about, where are we getting the leads from specifically and prospects, Google pay-per-click being pay-per-click.

You could add being display network or whatever else along with Google display network, whatever. But we were just kind of trying to think of the main list for in this case for this client Facebook pay-per-click, you know, and, and what different kinds of ads are on there. We have video views, and ads that are just building the invisible list. I call it, which is like the audience, then creating custom audiences out of that and then remarketing or retargeting them with Facebook lead ads and then Instagram ads.

So these are, that’s the specifics to this business, Google display network. I actually put it in a different category, like the banner ads, and then there’s remarketing and retargeting there’s YouTube. The bumper ads in the short format are long-form. Plus the remarketing there are referrals. Now, this is not online. This is just regular referrals, like old school, right. A customer for holes. But then there’s also in this case, there’s property managers, contractors, real estate agents, home inspectors, different kinds of target markets that would give us referrals.

So I’m not actually, by the way, we have to get those contractor referrals, and getting them is marketing, but that would be a whole different systems map because that’s a different target market. So these are only the referrals that come from those people. We want to put them into our funnel and we may have even had to have to add that we have to add maybe parts of the funnel in the future to customize to those particular sources. Hey, customers or clients of Sally Smith’s real estate agents, thank you for coming to this website, we have a special gift for you. I’m not even going that deep yet. We’re just saying, well, everybody’s going into this funnel, for now, print marketing, every door direct mail or sales letters sent ValPack money, mailer, et cetera, local magazines, postcards, door hangers, the fiber rounds, which is where you were the guys. When they go out to do the job, they hit the five houses around the house that they’re working on with a door hanger or a flyer. And then, you know, yard signs too, and that kind of thing, radio local targeted TV OTT over top media types of stuff.

So there’s a huge list here and going beyond the scope of this video, discussing those of course is not going to be what we’re doing today, but you need to at least have a list somewhere. And then you’re going to test everything.  Old media is not dead by the way. I want to mention that old media can sometimes work better than new media, but what’s better is, is to combine them in the multimedia multichannel. So online, offline, online would be, they come in off of a Google ad, they fill out a form that necessitates more information like their home address.

Then you send them a postcard or a letter, so that’s offline, or make a phone call. And then they receive a postcard in the mail, which sends them back online to opt-in for a free report or membership site or something else special. What you’re doing with that is you’re essentially getting a lot more engagement. And you’re also collecting a lot more information on the customer so that you have way more to follow upon. Another example would be offline online, offline, which is, they start with a yard sign and they call the yard. And then the person on the phone sends them an email or a better example is probably they see the flyer and there’s a website. They go online, they download a free report and then once they fill out information for, with their home address and then you send them you know, a letter or postcard in the mail.

So see, these are ways to think about it that most home service businesses are not used to thinking about marketing. It’s not just online. It’s not just offline, it’s both. And they’re integrated. That’s the key. So now back to the funnel, what happens when you get people in the funnel? What are they going to? Well, first is the bottom of the funnel. That’s the primary lead generation method. Bottom of the funnel is what most businesses are already doing, or are you doing at least part way? And then maybe still have holes in the bucket that need to be filled and things to be fixed. But in essence, there, this is the people that are ready to buy now. So bottom of the funnel versus top, if you imagine a funnel, the people at topper and awareness, and then further down there’s interest and then further down their desire, and then further, the bottom is action. An example for a plumber would be, oh, my toilet broke. I need, it’s an emergency water spring all over the place. I need an, a plumber, in the next five minutes or I’m calling the next guy, that’s bottom of the funnel. They are ready for the plumber. 

Now top of the funnel is, I wonder if I have leaks and I’m not aware of them yet. I would like to not waste water or have damage to my home so I could use an inspection or an investigation or an audit or something like that. But I’m not even sure if I want one yet. And I’m going to start looking around about plumbing leaks, right? So that’s, so top of the funnel, they’re not ready to talk to you yet. They don’t even have awareness of you yet. They’re just curious, right? So that’s totally different person than the people at the bottom. 

Here’s the thing about the bottom though. They’re the best everybody wants the bottom of the funnel leads. They’re the sales ready leads. The reality is the vast majority of people are not there yet. They’re at the 95% is not a bottom of the funnel. It’s only the 5% and we’re all fighting over the same 5%. So you definitely need to have a really good funnel for the bottom, we’ll talk about that later.

In this case, we have a click to call, this is a marketing qualified leads, bottom of the funnel requests. This is an ad like on a, for example, a Google ad, local service ads or Google ads, which is a click to call. Literally they see the ad, they call you, they’re not going to your website. They’re not doing anything else that goes to the call center.


Another option would be to hit the main website or maybe a location specific site or page. And depending on what they see there, they either call or they fill out a form and then there’s a face. And the call is marketing qualified lead. Meaning that now I define that as marketing qualified lead is basically the bottom of the funnel is focused on the DA of the AIDA. Remember that? So Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action. I just mentioned that when it comes to the funnel the customer journey, the bottom of the funnel is focused on the Desire and the Action, because we’re already assuming that they’ve got awareness and interest, right? The Awareness and Interest happened quick because they had a need and they saw the website that made them aware, and then they’re interested, right? So you were like skimming by that and going straight to like the bottom part, the last part of the equation and Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action.


It’s only a small percentage of the market, like I mentioned. And when we take the marketing qualified lead again, I’ll get back to that. That’s defined as the lead, or it’s really more of a prospect. There’s a process for these people. And, and as I go through the process, I like to define it as a suspect, a prospect, and then a lead a suspect is somebody you think might be interested in your services, right? They’re roaming around on the internet somewhere. But they may be a list that you might try to target. For example, that’s a suspect, right? Or a Facebook custom audience. That’s a suspect. 

Prospect is somebody that raises their hand and says, I might be interested in information, first marketing. Or I might be curious to learn about if there’s leaks in my home, I’m not ready to talk to you yet, but I’m curious as a prospect and a lead is somebody who says, please call me, or please come to my house and check it out for a service-based business.

I focus on <inaudible> and SQLs and MQL is a marketing qualified lead means they have filled out some kind of a form, or they made a phone call, or they’ve just given you an email address. Like for example, my free report, give me an email address. A sales qualified lead is one that actually ends up with an inspection or an audit, an appointment, basically, it’s an employment. So over here, we’re still at marketing qualified leads, either form fills or phone calls. And then it goes to the call center, and then they’re going to follow up. There’s a followup sequence, including a minimum of one week of calls, texts, and emails. And that I didn’t go into detail here, but that’s different. That should be a whole separate process. That’s documented with at least seven calls and texts and emails, just to try to get them scheduled. If they’re scheduled, basically the inspection or audit or your estimate or whatever it is, where you have an appointment. And then they’re actually a sales qualified lead. If they get on the schedule, we call them a sales qualified lead.


Now they may cancel off the schedule and never actually have the appointment. That’s fine. They’re still SQL. If the sales person gets it and doesn’t close the sale, that happens. There’s still as QL as they get to hear their, an SQL sales qualified lead. If they’re not, they’re still a marketing qualified lead. That’s how we separate the lead line from marketing to sales, basically, it’s right on this line scheduled it’s in the sales department, not scheduled, it’s still in the marketing department. You know, what do you call the call center? They’re kind of both, right. But I like to keep them there. They’re a little bit on the sales and they’re there. The transition between marketing and sales is what they are. That’s how I look at that on the back end. 

Now, let’s say they, they get scheduled. Well, then we have a pre-inspection sequence. We mentioned it. Now, this is where you really get tricky. This is where you can really get sophisticated. They set an appointment, but we’re not done marketing to them. Now you email them a link to the success video, plus an appointment confirmation email, and a text message. A lot of companies already do appointment confirmations because the software will do it, or the guy calls on his way to the job or whatever, but I’m taking it to another level like, “Hey, we are so excited to meet with you, check out this video” which explains what you can expect at your appointment. And then it pre-sells for them, and it shows all the reasons why the 27 point inspection is going to be the best thing they’ve ever done for their home. 

That is a whole process right in there that pre-inspection secrets. Then following up with the appointment confirmation, et cetera, like we’re really like trying to make sure that we solidify the appointment and presale as much as we can so that the sales person is less and less needed. You want them to be an order taker. So they don’t have to be like a highly trained sales professional. If you’ve got highly trained sales professionals, it just makes their job easier and better. Then they can upsell and sell even higher ticket.They’re going to have higher closing ratios. But more importantly, they’re also going to have a higher ticket, a ticket price. They’re going to have a higher order value, average order value, right. Instead of selling a $2,500 job, they walk out with a $5,000 job or a 10,000 or $20,000 job.

So that’s all a part of that orchestration, right? Just like think Disneyland and Disney World, the Disney company, they orchestrate everything, they extract as much money from us as possible. You make your money. And then you move them into a review sequence and referral sequence that is, you know wanted to see how we did. Would you mind leaving a review? Here’s all the links to make it really easy. And you know, and that’s where you can use software, which a lot of companies do, or, or you have a manual processes that’s equally efficient as best to send out personalized emails and texts with the links included.

So you make it really easy. The referral sequence is similar. You’re asking for a referral. We should probably be asking referrals. You ask for referrals multiple times, but at bare minimum, you’re asking for referrals after the sale. And then after the job is done as well, of course then if not, well, then the sales manager has, it has an attempt to recover it so they can call and do different techniques like the, throw them under the bus technique. That would just be one example of it. Or, you know, we’ve got a special, here’s the, the down sell if the, if the main one didn’t work. And so you make another attempt and that’s pretty much that part of it. 

Now, the marketing qualified lead against marketing qualified lead as MQL sales qualified lead a sales qualified lead a SQL. And this is in the SQL section. So what about the long-term followup that happens after this? Okay. Well then what we do is we, the arrow you’ll notice goes down into the left and we have this long-term followup sequence and a newsletter now by newsletter. I don’t just mean an email newsletter. That’s okay. Most of them are terrible. If you can find a way to make them engage. But what I’m really talking about here as a print newsletter actual, offline marketing every study I’ve seen shows that it drives up retention, sales and referrals by an order of magnitude. And yet almost nobody does it because they think, you know, that’s too old fashioned or what are we going to write? Well, there’s services. That’ll do it for you, but it’s easy to build that out in house. You’ll be amazed at what people love about it. Sending an email is fine. Long-term followup, email sequences are fine that you should do them, but open rates are down.

Everybody has so many emails that the, that the mailbox is lonely. In other words, there’s nothing in it. People actually look at their mail again, cause they’re not used to it. I don’t know about you, but I’ll sit and hold on to, I’ll keep a, a nice newsletter from a business on my table for months sometimes. And even if I don’t read it, I’m looking at it every week. Whereas an email delete, delete, delete. So long-term followup sequences are going to include emails. They’re going to include occasional phone calls, possible text messages, and don’t forget the direct mail slash print side of it, like with the newsletter.

That’s going to happen if you didn’t sell, you keep trying to make the sale. There’s a different followup longterm with the, with the customer successful customers, they might get the same newsletter and you’re always trying to upsell them, but you may even have a different follow-up for them as well in that sequence after the sale. But you’re not gonna forget about leads you lost. Cause you never know when you’re going to get them back or you’re going to have another chance and maybe they just didn’t buy, but they’ll buy later.

What about the top of the funnel prospect attraction? We talked about the bottom of the funnel the whole time, and that’s kind of what everybody does, but what about the 95% of the population that isn’t ready to buy? Now, this is where the biggest opportunity is, and none of your competitors are doing it or doing it well.  So we have a separate part of the funnel down here called the top of the funnel prospecting methods.

So same sources of traffic, but instead of, you know, driving them straight to call you because they’re not ready to call you. You offer information first marketing and not information marketing business. Cause you’re not just trying to sell courses and books and stuff, but you can use the information on the front end of your business to drive prospects and leads. The top of the funnel method, lead magnet, one with a landing page, how to do something, right. You know how to make sure that your home isn’t leaking water in the walls, right? I don’t know how to know when your crawlspace needs cleaning how to know when your attic installation is insufficient, whatever it is, a lead magnet. Number two is you, you want to develop at least one, I say two, and then you’re going to, when they opt in, you know, with their email and, and name, very little information at first, but you’re going to follow it.

So you have a lead magnet delivery, you got to send it to them. Plus a one-time offer is what we call it in the marketing world, which basically means you’re going to offer some special to those people that just happened to be ready to buy now, because you don’t know you’re marketing to the top of the funnel, but a small percentage actually might be bottom of the funnel ready. And so once they opt in the thank you page basically says, “Hey, by the way, before you go, would you like our free 27 point inspection?” You know, and email up sequence to the inspection goal. That’s always going to be the goal.  Do they click that inspection offer? Yes. Well then they go to the call center up here. Right? Cause that was you know, you found the needles in the haystack of the bottom of the funnel, people in the top of the funnel activity.


So you don’t want to turn them away. Well they’re just bottom of the funnel. Then you’re going to send them the next lead magnet. Now they might come in and as lead magnet, number two, and I didn’t draw an arrow here, but basically the same thing would be here. If they, if they don’t take us up on it, we offer them then the other lead magnet. So this is a different one, a different topic that they might be interested in. And then they’re going to go to your company’s special landing page offer for your 17 point inspection. Your audit is a great word to use. There’s some copy strategy in that or something that differentiates you. Free estimate is not going to differentiate you. Everybody has that on every single piece of marketing and advertising, you have to have something special here because obviously they didn’t take the normal route. They weren’t bottom of the funnel, call us today for your free inspection. They didn’t take it. So what might they take something different?

So this is different. This is a special idea. This is something that you don’t have just out there all the time. This is something that is, like I said, it’s a special offer. It’s a mafia offer an offer. You can’t refuse. Right? So that goes beyond the scope of this video, but basically it’s the special offer. And then do they, and then maybe with the ability to purchase it online, that’d be even cooler, right? Something they can buy that leads them. Yes. Okay. Now they’re on the call center and they’re going into your inspection, you know, could they buy the $99 thing, special audit 17 point inspection that normally is a $500 value. They don’t buy it. Well, then you put them in your long-term follow-up sequence because now, you know, they weren’t ready for the initial call. They weren’t ready for the special deal, but we’re not giving up on them yet. We’re going to long-term follow-up with them. That is essentially some of the key elements now really important here. Top of the funnel awareness in the Aida model requires lead capture and follow up. Don’t forget it. That’s what this is all about. If they’re top of the funnel, here’s where service businesses drop, drop the ball.


If they’re not ready to call you or get an inspection today, you don’t do anything with them. Call your marketing people up and say, you’re giving me a bunch of bad leads. They were not ready, or they aren’t qualified because they want something we don’t do well. You paid for the lead. And now you, instead of considering it, a waste of money, sell that lead to your, to another company, give it to your referral partner in exchange for their leads, cross pollinate, right? Or find a way to add the service and sell it and sub it out. Like, what are you doing? Right.

So they’re top of the funnel. They’re not ready for you yet, but they’re not a wasted prospect. They’re just marketing, qualified, not sales qualified. So there’s always something to do in the bare minimum is to capture their information and begin following up for the, when they finally are ready for what you do. This is the biggest opportunity in the entire world of marketing for a service business. Most of you guys, I know it because I, every client I talked to you, I I’ve found maybe one out of like a hundred, that’s even doing a half-ass job of this, right? So if you start doing this and following up with the marketing qualified leads that are not sales qualified, you can double, triple, quadruple your business. You make a guy like me cheap, right? Like I can come in and we can do to employ this in 10 X, your return on investment.

It matters what you say in these. You got to do a lot of testing to find out what’s going to produce a lot of people create a lead magnet and it doesn’t do anything. And then they think that this process doesn’t work. No, it was just their marketing. Copy their angle, their offer that just, that didn’t work. There’s always a way to make this work by putting in the discipline of doing it. 

So there it is. There’s a big picture. You sell all fits together. Traffic sources with the bottom of the funnel and also to the top of the funnel integrated together. If they’re ready, call centers, that main place that they all go to and then rugged whether they sell or not, they, they all end up in the longterm followup sequence. And that is a basic, basic high-level overview notice. I said, high-level overview. You could drill down, see this multi-step, this could have its own little flow chart. This could have another flow chart. This could have another flow chart in Lucidchart. You can actually do that kind of stuff or linked to the other pages.

But I wanted one big picture one, because this is where you need to start get the big picture first. Right? This was just for the primary target market. Imagine having this for all target markets. In other words, this is for homeowners. We could have one just for real estate agents. If we, or just for our referral partners like other contractors or the property managers or the homeowners associations, and then you build this out, it may look the same structurally, but maybe your target’s different. The messaging in here is different for sure, but it’s probably gonna also look a little different as well. And as soon as you master one and get it going, you can troubleshoot. You can see where it breaks. This is one of the best tips I can give on this. Let’s say sales, aren’t happening. And instead of just yelling at marketing or yelling at sales, you can look in here and find out where it’s broken. For example, you might get all great sources of traffic that are acceptable. All of these leads coming in and they get here and then this is working. But then they don’t get scheduled. Well then the question is, as you go, well, this is working really well. They’re not scheduled to where’s it broken? It’s broken right here. Why don’t we add these things to increase our schedule ratio, right? Oh, we bumped it up by 10%. Now we know. And that’s how you use this thing to really drill into your business.

You go, well, we’re getting them from this method, but we don’t get them from this method. Well, let’s look at the site. What do we, can we do different to get this increase? Lead magnet, one works believing that two doesn’t work. Well, then let’s fix lead magnet to, or double down on lead magnet. One. They both work, but nobody is scheduling an appointment and nobody takes us up on this offer. Well then can we fix this offer? And we can we fix the messaging in here, right? So this is scientific marketing, right? Most companies never even draw this. So they’re just guessing, totally guessing. And when somebody comes along and gives them an idea, they’re like, oh, let’s try that. And if you’re an entrepreneur, like all of us, you have the shiny object syndrome. And the entrepreneurial add a sales person comes in and says, Hey, what about this? Or a marketing ad rep comes in and says, you should do this. And you’re like, oh, let’s do it. You forget about what works and you’d go off and try something new and you stop doing what works.

You’re just bouncing from one idea to the next idea, the next idea. And then you come back and go, I tried everything and nothing works, which is the stupidest way to run a business. The smart way is to go, no, all that works. If we make sure we create a system around it and we maximize it and we study it and, and look at the data and then determine how to make it better, because then we can even make local targeted TV where it can make a profitable if we know how our funnel works. And if somebody brings you a new idea, you don’t get derailed. Right? Okay. So this is just for the primary target market. Imagine it for all of them. 

Now let’s review key takeaways. The systems map is your visual guide to your whole business. At least the sales and marketing funnel, part of your business, you should defend your systems map and make people prove to you where their shiny new object idea fits in. This also keeps you from doing random acts of marketing. You know, like some dry by shooting marketing. It forces you to use systems and logical thinking. You can have multiple target markets, but you need to master one at a time and you’ll need a systems map for each one. Since they are required, different messaging, at least, and some might need entirely different processes. And you can start with a high-level simple version and have your marketing team do a more detailed version to flesh it out later.

I can’t emphasize this too much. I want to go back to this point. You know, just a second ago, you can defend the systems map and make people sure where their shiny new object fits in. the reason why this is important. One of the additional reasons is because not only your own entrepreneurial ADD, but everybody else coming at you, it’s very simple to think of advertising and marketing and sales as this sort of one dimensional. You know, we tried that it didn’t work. We tried that and it’s working now. It didn’t work, blah. It’s so easy to fall into that. When in reality, it’s multimedia, multi-step, multi-channel marketing that is going to lead to campaigns that are working and it’s complicated and sophisticated, and anybody that wants to avoid it, which all of us do.

That’s the surest way to oversimplify and kill your business and not be competitive. The people that might that make the riches are mining for the gold and the mining is work. It’s complicated. And there’s advantage to being complicated. You become harder to copy your competitors. Won’t even if they know how to do this, they won’t do it because it’s too much work. That’s a competitive advantage is it’s difficult to copy you. You raise the barrier to entry for your competitors. By having these kinds of maps and funnels built it, they can easily copy your ads or your copy. 

A sales person have a call center. That’s not hard to copy. What’s called hard to copy as all of the little details of what the leads do or the lead magnets say and do. And what happens after that, in the follow-up and how, what are the process your call center goes through? What is their follow-up process and what, you know, et cetera. That’s hard to copy. That’s probably the most important reason to create this thing. Okay. So what’s next. Do this create your systems map, try or just use a piece of paper.

Like don’t let it slow you down. How something immediately, like by the end of today, make sure your marketing team and sales team all see and understand the systems map because it’s their job to maintain its integrity. The marketing and sales team can help you fill it out and improve it too, if you haven’t already done. So go to because I have a special offers on there and great additional great information that will help you to decide whether you need somebody to do this for you. If you just want somebody to do it for you, that’s what we do. All right. And hopefully you enjoyed this and I look forward to learning more about your business. Take care.