Stoddard Digital Marketing Agency

5 Steps to Renegade Marketing

renegade marketing

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There’s no doubt about it — marketing can be overwhelming today. It’s hard to navigate through all the options and sometimes it feels like you have to do everything at once to be successful (obviously, that is not the case.) Therefore, if you are feeling overwhelmed by marketing, don’t fret! There are clear steps that can provide clarity in your marketing.


Step 1: Identify your market: take the time and focus on identifying who is your ideal client.


The first step to Renegade Marketing is identifying the market you want to target. This is not just a list of demographics or industries, but this is where you have the opportunity to identify your ideal client. Who are they? What do they do? What are their challenges? What motivates them? Why would they purchase from you? Where can you find them?

Putting yourself in your client’s shoes will help make you think differently about your product, service, or offering and how it would appeal to your ideal client. By doing this, you’ll be able to craft better a marketing message that addresses their specific pain points and motivators. You’ll be able to see opportunities that competitors may not see because they’re only focused on the industry or profession as a whole instead of focusing on a much smaller niche within that industry or profession.


Step 2: Match the message to your market: create a marketing message that resonates with your ideal client’s problems.

Once you know your ideal client, you can start creating content that speaks directly to them. You need to learn about the top problems your ideal client is facing and then create content that educates them and helps solve these problems.

Use a variety of media to create this content. For example, if you’re a financial advisor, you could write an eBook about retirement planning for people in their 50s or record a webinar about saving for college. The key is to understand what type of information your clients are looking for so you can deliver it in the most effective way possible.

Next, distribute that content through all available channels: email newsletters, blog posts, social media sites (such as Facebook and LinkedIn), etc.


Step 3: Create a marketing automation plan: build a plan for automated lead generation using a variety of channels, not just social media, email and networking.

Now that you have identified your audience and determined which of the channels they are most likely to interact with, it’s time to create a marketing automation plan. The focus is on creating a series of automated actions that will guide your prospects through the buying cycle.

Your goal is to identify the right piece of content for each stage in the buying process and make it available to them when they need it. The great thing about setting up a marketing automation plan is that once it’s set up properly, your system guides prospects through each step and identifies who is ready for what information and delivers that information at just the right time.

In other words, you no longer have to invent new content or messages from scratch every time you want to get in front of someone in your network or follow up with contacts in your sales funnel. As long as you are diligent about adding new people into your system, sending them what they need when they need it becomes virtually automatic.


Step 4: Media: be creative about presenting your information for maximum impact.

The next step in renegade marketing is to be creative about presenting your information for maximum impact. This brings us back to the idea of not being boring and ensuring that the way you share your content is as engaging as possible.

There are a few things to consider when thinking about how you’re presenting your content. The first thing to think about is: do I want people’s attention? If so, then use engaging images! Social media posts with images receive more engagement than those without. Also, consider using video—people love watching a video, and it can help connect with your audience.

The next thing you need to think about is: does this work for my audience? Are they likely to respond well if I use this type of media for my message? You may want to find out what other brands in your niche are doing that work well and go from there. Finally, ask yourself: does this make sense given the message I’m trying to convey? For example, if I’m trying to advertise something straightforward, like purchasing an item online or downloading something online, then a general video about the company would probably not be the best method of communication at this point because it’s not necessary.


Step 5: Measure: use analytics to measure results, then tweak based on what’s working and what’s not.

You’re almost there. Once you have your campaign up and running, the only thing left is to analyze the results. Use an analytics tool like Google Analytics (or a similar service) to understand how well your campaign performs. Some things you may want to look at:

  • Total visitors
  • Bounce rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Video views/play-throughs
  • Cost per acquisition

Once you have this data, look for areas where you can improve in future campaigns. Taking note of what works in each phase of your trebuchet gives you a blueprint for building better marketing strategies with each iteration. You’ll be making waves (and waves of leads) before long.Hopefully, this guide will be enough to get you started on your marketing strategy. However, if anyone is interested in learning more or would like some additional information, feel free to reach out to us. We’d be happy to talk.

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