Find Out How Identity Resolution is Transforming the Way Attorneys Generate More Cases For Their Firm

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Table of Contents

Why You Are Not Closing More Personal Injury Cases

How Demand Insight helps companies focus efforts on high-likelihood prospects.

Briefly, Behavioral Targeting Technology captures online buyer behaviors, enabling law firms to target prospects that are actively researching what you sell.

Now, more than ever before, sales and marketing efforts must be laser-focused and efficient. We believe we offer companies like yours the opportunity to do that.

Our platform combines specific buyer behaviors (intent) with the individual’s contact information (not company IP). This technology enables law firms to get the full contact record for people in your marketplace, investigating your legal services and download that info directly to your CRM, or download them to a CSV file. We work with you to identify your prospects “buyer’s journey” and then can tell you WHO is in the early stages of that particular story arc, which is predictive sales, and we deliver the full contact record.

We take this one step further by pre-screening the leads and delivering you high-percentage-close clients. Our form-fills are thorough, and our calling team only connects calls to your firm when they know it is a good fit.

🎯 Our A.I. (Machine Learning) data strategy identifies, through monitoring billions of pieces of behavioral data, the most significant opportunities within your existing client base for retention and increasing lifetime customer value, as well as monitoring your ideal prospect base for new client acquisition. Get ready for a better strategy.

Let’s face it if you pay for traffic; you are not getting the best ROI on that traffic unless you are retargeting across multiple devices and multiple platforms to the RIGHT PEOPLE, at the RIGHT TIME. At the end of the day, how can you reach your potential clients more often and increase conversion? Your competitors aren’t doing this—yet.

We use keyword search and URL navigation behavior to feed into our prediction engine. This engine can predict who is going to buy what you sell. Increase Client Retention and Lifetime Customer Value by understanding behavior. Only Machine Learning can do this.

"We've only met 3 companies with the level of identity graph that you guys have. You guys are so far out in front of your competition!"

Imagine having a list of the people that have been to your website—who are actively researching your product—but haven’t opted-in yet.

We know the identity, so your marketing dollars can go further than ever before. Put your message/value proposition in front of them before anyone else.

You can now confidently approach them and sincerely nurture a relationship properly. Build your law firm based on trust and perfect timing.

Let’s have a cup of coffee over a Zoom Call and discuss how our enterprise level behavioral targeting and identity resolution technology, used by fortune 100/500 companies, can help your company with client acquisition, client retention, and increasing lifetime client value.


We are a proud partner in joint venture with Vantage Targeting and their LeAids technology. Vantage Targeting: Beyond Lead Generation—We Deliver Buyers Journey Insight

Data Targeting – Get The Contact Record For people in your marketplace investigating what you sell and download that info directly to your crm, or download them to a .csv file.
Get The Contact Record For people in your marketplace investigating what you sell and download that info directly to your crm, or download them to a .csv file.

Use Artificial Intelligence to Enable Predictive Sales. Identify Prospects, By Name, in the Law Firm Client Buyer’s Journey.

Our platform enables law firms to move from darkness to light by having the contact info of every person in your entire marketplace and CRM that is actively looking for your product or service.

Vantage Targeting, Inc. creates opportunities for business through data/insight. We offer data products, Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) with powerful in-market analytics for clients across a range of industries. With our identity resolution product, Site Traffic ID, we can tell you WHO is on your site and can drop an email sequence to your website traffic without an opt-in. Radio/TV/Offline advertising to our audiences is possible with Identity Resolution. Data-driven, in-market, audience engineering is our unique super power, and our strength in the field is unparalleled. Even when compared to the biggest data companies worldwide.

We Uncover Existing Demand, Identify By Name the Prospects In Your Buyer's Journey

When you have the full contact records of only those people showing strong buyer-intent, you get 100% of your future buyers (clients).

Increase Pipeline and Revenue by getting the full contact records for prospects in your marketplace actively investigating what you sell and download that info directly to your CRM, or to a .CSV file.

You now possess a tool that allows you to peer deeply into the mind of your BEST PROSPECTS, WHILE they make a purchase…AND we can do this for any company.

Now, the Buyers Journey for Prospects is Transparent and Easier Than Ever To Know WHO is Searching For An Attorney In Your Area.

“…This is the Holy Grail Of B2B Marketing…”

Qualified Law Firm Leads

We start with your ideal client profile and will work with you to identify your Buyer Behavior DNA specific to your target market.

Work Smarter, NOT Harder

Stop losing customers to the competition. With URL and Keyword monitoring, know when your customers are shopping your solution.

Buyers Journey Transparency

You’ll know who is actively researching your solution BEFORE they start opting in to your site and/or ALL of your competitors websites.

Eliminate Wasteful Ad Spend

Not only can our platform boost sales, but we’ll also help you lower your cost to acquire by helping you focus on the right audience.

data targeting leads

What Are In-Market Targeting Leads and Why Are They the Best?

What we call In-Market Targeting Leads are real people who are “in the market” for what you have. They are actively looking for your products and services right now.

From a behavioral standpoint, we are tracking on a “people-based” level, as opposed to just advertising to keyword searches alone or tracking anonymous visitors to a website.

We provide InMarket behavioral data as well as Site Visitor traffic. Our software tracks approximately 225+ million people and analyzes 5+ billion pieces of behavioral data every day.

Many companies lack a system that identifies when their target consumers first enter the marketplace or when they begin to actively pursue a purchase. Companies try to market to the mass population instead of finding the needles in the haystack. We narrow this search and deliver you the needles.

Our technology combines Identity Resolution with behavioral tracking to produce targeting lists from guaranteed activity from real live human beings and not robots. Our data is portable to 11 channels including Facebook, Google Adwords, Instagram, YouTube, and more. We don’t base InMarket Targeting lists on demographics. The data comes from real-time behaviors such as keyword searches, URL-level navigation, content consumption, and campaign response.

If you have ever heard of Click-Fraud, you know that advertising online can be scary, since many your responses can be bots or competitors clicking on ads, or any number of other reasons that you end up not getting actual prospects to fill out a form or make a phone call.

With our system, this is no longer a concern, because we aren’t attracting the bots, we are only attracting real people that have the potential to become your client.

We can recognize and run ads to people on a people-based level—and we can run those ads on any device, on any marketing platform, online or offline.

In-Market means that these people are actively looking to buy, and we know from many, many data points and by studying common behaviors of people who have taken the same types of actions in the past. It is like reverse engineering the process. If we know someone called to buy a product or service, we can then retrace his or her steps digitally to find out what he or she did before taking action. When we do that with enough people (millions) with enough of the right kind of accurate data, we can determine commonalities and predict with high accuracy which is ready to buy next.

How do we know that they’re actively pursuing? We’re tracking people on a behavioral level, their navigation behavior, their keyword search behavior, and their campaign response behavior. We even can monitor their social media behavior, mobile behavior, and their content consumption and transactional behavior.

We work only with legitimate, legal, ethical, and quality first-party data. We can get this data by purchasing a license (legally and ethically), following all regulations and doing everything above-board from providers, just like the big companies do. Large companies have been doing this for years, and we can now bring this data down to the small business level.


Top 10 Reasons WHY InMarket Leads

  1. InMarket & InFunnel Leads: 100% of all Commerce/Sales comes from InMarket prospects
  2. People-Based Marketing: Not anonymous, more personal and it removes all ad fraud by removing any chance of wasting advertising dollars on bots; no more bot fraud
  3. Permanent: Ownership and control. Plus, no bots
  4. Portable to 11+ ad channels: Multi-channel, Multi-touch, and multi-device at FB, Google, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, Email, Direct Mail and Outbound call… with more coming soon.
  5. 100% Sales Match Accountability: If you close sales offline, you cannot do this with anonymous targeting
  6. Not Paying on Usage: Pay well below wholesale versus retail, which also lowers first click 50-75%
  7. Real-Time Buying Behavior: This is a REAL profile and deserving of your ad spend versus using demographics only, and therefore a WASTE of ad spend
  8. Closed Loop Analysis: Since we measure our leads results we can constantly fine-tune, grade and improve our InMarket Leads
  9. Custom Conversion Profile: Custom behavioral profile of your buyers and how they respond to your conversion funnel and message
  10. Alert System: Know who is preparing to buy what you sell in Real-time… Before your competition… Including past customers.

Brief Overview of Behavioral Targeting And Lead Generation

Overview of In-Market Targeting Lead Generation Benefits

Behavioral Data + Machine Learning = The Future of Business

If you were to try to buy this data yourself, it would be astronomically expensive to you (as well as time-consuming and technical). We have a type of co-op arrangement that allows us to spread the cost and we pass this cost-savings on to you. Not only are we doing all the work, but you are spending less money than if you did it yourself!

It isn’t just about the data, however, even though it gives us an incredible advantage over our competitors (and yours).

It is also about the ads themselves, the platforms, the landing pages, the ad copy, the headlines, the pictures, and so much more. Creating successful and compliant prospecting funnels for a business usually takes a tremendous amount of work and many agencies will only do a part of this work or will charge you an arm-and-a-leg for something they have to test out and use you as their guinea pig.

We have all of these things in place, we continually improve them, and we are split testing every single facet of the process to make sure it gets results. They are 100% compliant, and you’ll never have to deal with any of this because we have you covered. From your point of view, this is automated and hands-off.

How does our machine learning algorithm perpetually get you better results?

With every single prediction of who’s in the market, we’re tracking the result of that if a prospect visits your website or fills out a form, our pixel fires. If you get a new customer, client, or patient, we compare that information as well. So there are three ways in which we’re determining the success of our prediction, and that’s the power of machine learning algorithms.

The algorithm tells us exactly who is in the market for what you have. We don’t stop there; we track that person through the entire sales funnel from awareness, interest, research, looky-loo, opt-in, hand-raising, form-filling, phone-calling, all the way to sitting down with you and signing your agreement. We track that entire process.

Not everyone who clicks on your website fills out a form, and in the same way, not all people who fill out forms become customers, clients, or patients.

Every piece of feedback gives us more data so that our algorithm can recalibrate. We call this auto-optimization, which is a closed loop analysis, like a perpetual feedback loop that lets us know how our prediction is working. This process assures us that we’re always getting quality targeting and that it is continually improving that targeting. There’s no emotion; it’s strictly empirical data.

The reason we do this is simple, you can’t improve what you don’t measure and what the pixel allows us to do—measure.

We get you more leads so that you can focus on what you are good at—your business.

It is also about the follow-up process with the leads. We create and split test marketing funnels that we continually improve which is a painstaking and challenging proposition. We are (legally and ethically, with permission), following up via email, text, and voicemail drops that are customized for your business to determine who the good leads genuinely are. Once we have a good one, we send it directly to you or your sales team.

We do the heavy lifting for you!

The Greatest Source of Quality Sales Leads

Are you ready to dominate your marketplace and be number one in your industry?

If what I am describing here resonates with you and you would like more information or get a quote, we offer free strategy sessions. There is no charge for these, and we focus on helping you with a good strategy.

We will have a conversation and discover how we can best help you. It is a chance to see if we can work well together.

If for some reason we aren’t a good fit, you can keep whatever good plan we give you and be on your way. There is no hard feelings and no obligations.

We want to help you grow your business and have an easier time doing it!


Jesse Stoddard
Founder and CEO
The Stoddard Agency

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