
Marketing Strategies Blog

Law Firm Marketing Strategy

Marketing Best Practices Rant

How Short Term Marketing Best Practices Can Kill Your Law Firm In the Long Run I am going to take a brief moment to rant about marketing and advertising best practices as a general concept and philosophy. This is actually something that I get fired up about more frequently nowadays and I hope you’ll forgive […]

Law Firm Marketing Strategy

The 5 M’s for Law Firm Marketing Strategies

The 5 M’s Marketing Machine Method will give your law firm the marketing strategies that provide results without you losing your integrity.

Law Firm Marketing Strategy

Why Attorneys Need A Marketing Plan

Having a marketing plan is essential. You can start with a simple outline which talks about your goals and objectives, budget and platforms you want to test, along with how you’re going to go about making that work for you. It’s not as hard as it sounds. You can start small, and you can write a little bit of it at a time, but I highly recommend that you get some help with it and you can devote your time to your cases at hand.

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