The use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is becoming the norm in the legal industry. It’s a prevalent form of Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) offering, with many companies vying for your attention to help you automate contract and client management.

There’s a lot of them in the legal field, with some hybrids even combining lead capture with the traditional legal CRM software functions. There’s also the lead management, follow-up, and nurture side of the equation, with a few platforms trying to offer full-service, such as what is being done by the LMS system by Leading Response. Their system works great for social security disability leads, but not so much with personal injury leads.
I have some client attorneys use this legal CRM process for follow up, making phone calls and sending emails, a system that can track and send information to their case management software. This process is a bit complicated, and most attorneys spend too much time learning the complexities of these systems, which becomes a bit overwhelming for attorneys who are not experts in this field (and I would argue, that none of them should be).
If you are a personal injury law firm having headaches with your legal CRM software, simplifying your process by eliminating underperforming systems and automating those that are producing results could get you out of this stressful situation. It sounds tougher than it really is. The solution might be right under your nose.
Get someone on your team that can help you! Don’t try doing this yourself and lose precious billable hours learning something that you know nothing about (or really shouldn’t know anything about).
Instead of asking, “How?” Ask the better question; “Who?”
If you can’t find someone within your firm, find a subcontractor who will do it on a project basis and make sure that they’re available the next time it breaks (because software systems always do eventually).
The problem with most law firms is that they forget the legal CRM system once it is set up. After all, wasn’t the point to set it and forget it in the first place? However, most of the time it requires maintenance because one of the programs has a software update or something happens and isn’t linked up properly one day, and now all of your lead systems are shut down.
After hiring your marketing manager (or at the very least an assistant or consultant), the next step would be finding the best technology to use in your firm that not only allows you case management systems but also lead management. Ideally, you want to have a steady, and consistent influx of personal injury leads in the system.
There is new software today that is more efficient than the old-school marketing funnels showing dismal results. This new software assists with building funnels, landing pages, autoresponder follow-up, and are the latest technologies that can help you persuade prospects to make the phone call.
This is why you need a good “who”. This person should not only help you work the system but making them a part of the selection and integration process assists with getting their buy-in and full commitment.
Even if you’re a small firm, you can afford a part-time marketing manager to handle the prospecting, lead generation, follow-up, automation systems, social media, and review management. Build yourself a team around you to take care of it. Focus on having a unique ability framework for your organization where everybody is doing what they are fascinated and motivated by, so you can stick to winning cases and building an exemplary reputation for your personal injury law firm.
If you want your personal injury law firm to generate free-flowing leads into your CRM system using people-based marketing, contact us for a no-obligation, free discovery call.