Hey Guys, Jesse Stoddard here, from Stoddard Agency. Here I am going to tell you how to set the right Google My Business locations for your law firm. See my video on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram if you want more details about what I’m talking about, and so you can see for yourself how easy it is to set the right GMB categories.
- Go to Google My Business.
- Go to info.
- Look for names and categories.
- Click the pencil icon.

- There are 10 Categories.
- The primary category is the most important.
If you are a personal injury attorney and you practice social security disability and criminal law or some other things, and you’re a growing firm with 19,000 other things that you are wanting to offer with your other eight attorneys, this might be a little tricky. You have to pick the category that you want your Google my business location page to be focused on.
- Pick the one category that you want Google my business to be focused on.
If you have a large enough company with multiple locations and the different locations focus on different things, that might be something to consider.
If the attorneys at a particular location have a stronger specialty over another, but basically your brand has one, there is a list to put on your website. Every category of law has a different set of these to use.
- Generic categories are good for all lawyers.
- More specific categories are available.
- Use the most specific general category for your law firm. Ex. Personal Injury attorney is your primary category.
- Use the other slots to add the generic categories.
- Personal Injury
Additional Categories
- Lawyer
- Law Firm
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice
- A higher likelihood of using all ten may produce results if you actually do practice all ten areas.
- Do not put anything that’s not true because then you’re misleading people and you actually could risk losing your account or being suspended.
Take just a few minutes to fill these out or add more categories. You will add more data for Google to be able to find them, and for people to be able to see all of what you provide.
Google My Business Categories for Law Firms
These are suggestions. Please pick them carefully and use as many as are appropriate and it should go without saying to always tell the truth.
Administrative Law
- Administrative Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Bankruptcy Law
- Bankruptcy Attorney (Primary)
- Bankruptcy Service
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Business Law
- General Practice Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Criminal Defense Law
- Criminal Justice Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Elder Law
- Elder Law Attorney (Primary)
- Estate Planning Attorney
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Employment Law
- Employment Attorney (Primary)
- Labor Relations Attorney
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Estate Planning Law
- Estate Planning Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Family Law
- Family Law Attorney (Primary)
- Divorce Lawyer
- Divorce Service
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Immigration Law
- Immigration Attorney (Primary)
- Immigration & Naturalization Service
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Insurance Law
- Insurance Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Intellectual Property Law
- Law Firm (Primary)
- Patent Attorney
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Patent Law
- Patent Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Personal Injury Law
- Personal Injury Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Probate Law
- Law Firm (Primary)
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Real Estate Law
- Real Estate Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Social Security (SSI) Law
- Social Security Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Tax Law
- Tax Attorney (Primary)
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
Worker’s Compensation Law
- Law Firm (Primary)
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
General Categories
- Civil Law Attorney
- General Practice Attorney
- Law Firm
- Lawyer
- Legal Services
- Trial Attorney
- General
- Administrative Attorney
- Bankruptcy Service
- Criminal Justice Attorney
- Divorce Lawyer
- Divorce Service
- Elder Law Attorney
- Employment Attorney
- Estate Planning Attorney
- Family Law Attorney
- Immigration & Naturalization Service
- Immigration Attorney
- Insurance Attorney
- Labor Relations Attorney
- Patent Attorney
- Personal Injury Attorney
- Real Estate Attorney
- Social Security Attorney
- Tax Attorney
If you need any assistance, please contact me at Stoddard Agency
Did you know that 93% of consumers’ buying decisions are influenced by social media? Most law firms recognize that being active on social is not only essential for staying in touch with clients and potential referrals, but also for growing revenue.
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